Wednesday 18 May 2016

My Interdisciplinary Skin: Making of my handle

At this stage of the project the main part of my mallet skin was getting to a good shape, it was beginning to fit nicely around the head of the mallet model. i thought i would change my focus and begin to look at the handle section of the skin

Using the markings i had made from the models handle  during my previous session, i used the metal nibbler to cut it out and a file to smooth off the edges and get a nice even arc for the handle section to slide into, later on.

this image is just showing the end result of my handle cutout

This image is demonstrating the way in which i cutout the handle section of the skin which allowed it to slide over the handle and create a tighter fit over the mallet

I found this scrap piece of metal lying around the workshop and thought it would be a ideal size for my handle as i really didn't need very much. it was a bit uneven at the time so i ran it through the English wheel a few times to smooth it out before cutting it down on the guillotine .

i used a steel rod and a plastic mallet to force the handle into its shape, it didn't take very long to manipulate but it did need to be cut down in size a few times both in length and width, i used the snips and the guillotine for that process

This is the end result of my arced handle section

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