Wednesday 25 May 2016

My Digital Making Journey- Original Tutorials and Reflection: Reflection: My Final Buxus Topiary Skin

My overall experience with this project was one of mixed emotions. It took me a while to get traction but once i did, i felt like my result was satisfying.
This process has taught me a lot of skills that i otherwise would not have been aware of, skills that i have already and will apply in the future.

although not perfect, I was extremely happy with the final result for my Buxus Topiary laser cut model and metal skin.
The images below demonstrates my final product.

Does the found object reflect Landscape architecture?
The found object is a potted Busux topiary which is a commonly used form of planting throughout both the landscape design and landscape architectural industries.

Has an accurate 3D model been created?  the model was created through 123D catch, 123D Make and Meshmixer and then printed using the UNSW FAblab laser cutters. for a model as complex as it is, it is an accurate representation of what a Buxus Topiaries form would look like

Has the the template been designed, cut, and
assembled with care and precision? Yes the process of cutting and assembling the model took several hours of detailed and precise gluing

Is the Scale appropriate? The scale of the model buxus is slightly smaller than the typical buxus used within landscape, although they can be pruned to be at the same scale. The scale of this model is appropriate for this modeling and metal working process

 Does the skin adhere closely to the contours of the template and is the skin beautiful? I believe the metal skin that i have produced for this model adheres extremely closely to the contours of the existing model, considering the complexity of the models shape and form and my lack of experience, I am extremely pleased with the final outcome, knowing how much time, preparation and effort i have put into this process over the past few weeks. As far as the skins surface goes, it has a skin only a mother could love.

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